The Massage Tracker, Idea provided by Med Sports Vantage, PLLC. Reality made feasible by Lethorn CADesign LLC. The Massage Tracker is a patented and trademarked. muscle massage / manipulation device that utilizes a tennis ball and the ergonomically designed edges to do all the work. Purchase yours today by clicking on the Massage Tracker Logo or the below button.
Ergonomically designed to reduce stress in wrist and hand while still providing feedback from troubled areas.
Light Weight (0.15Lbs) and portable
High-Impact, engineered polymer plastic
Easy to hold and guide the tennis ball to trouble areas with maximum comfort (less pain when the tennis ball rolls over bone).
Multi-functional: Soft Massage (Tennis Ball), Firm Massge (Tracker Dome), Trigger point (Tracker Projections) and Hard edge rounded blade (Tracker large Radius)